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Year 3 and 4

Miss Oldham



Miss Ward
Teaching Assistant

Welcome to our Class!

We are a class full of kind and friendly children who love to learn. We are very inclusive and take good care of each other – everyone is welcome in Y3/4! The mixture of age groups means that are younger children are supported by our older children in a very nurturing way.


The children in Y3/4 continue to develop their independence and resilience so that they are prepared for upper key stage 2. Our environment is set up to support children with their learning but also to enable children to develop their emotional regulation skills.


Times table are really important in Y3/4 and we work hard t develop our recall of facts up to 12x12. All children access Times Table Rock Star in school which can be accessed at home too! Children can improve their rock status and even challenge each other to battles!


We also love to read! We share stories in class every day and have lots of opportunities to read to our adults. We use an online reading tool called Reading Plus to support independent reading and fluency development. Your child will have access to Reading Plus at home as well as being able to bring home a reading book of their own choice to engage their interests. We encourage children to read at home at least three times a week. If you would like to know more about helping your child with reading, we would be more than happy to help.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. All children should bring appropriate PE kits to school on these days.


If your child has prescribed medication such as an asthma pump, they must have it on the school site and we must have this recorded on our medical needs form. This can be done at the school office.


Please ensure that all of your child’s belonging are fully labelled with their name and class – this will ensure hat any lost items can be returned.

 Together we  will kind, show respect and keep trying


Our Curriculum overview

English on a page

Useful resources and games

Support your child with reading

Our virtual library

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